Thursday 1 April 2010

It's Only the Truth

I told the wittiest person I know, the fair Lady Cylene late of Portland, about the preceding post and she said 'You're such a fashionista for Christ'. I'm almost tempted to change the title of the blog, or at least get badges made.

My old theological college recently received a very substantial legacy which enabled them to revamp a lot of the facilities, but there was still a lot of cash left over, and the Principal does seem to have spent quite a bit of it on antique vestments. I keep meaning to suggest the college should alter its motto to 'Puella pro modo patienda' - which roughly means, if you can imagine Kylie singing it, 'A girl's gotta suffer for fashion'.

(In fact, if you look through the website you can find a photograph of Dr Bones in the library reading an unlikely collection of theological books, not a sight you see every day, or in fact ever again).

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