Saturday 8 August 2020

An Unexpected Pleasure

On Tuesday the Diocese of Guildford issued a statement on 
the use of face coverings in churches. None of it was unexpected until I got to to coda, a section which bore an unusual title, thus:

Help! I don't think I can cope with any more regulations. I just want things to go back to the way they were!

'We all do', the statement went on, before beginning on a series of bullet points, including:

'You will get things wrong. And even if you do ever manage to get the hang of it all, the guidance will change'.

'Moving to hybrid worship (online and in person) is harder than online only'.
'You are doing your best! Remember that everyone is finding this difficult'
'Have a rest'
'If you're finding all this overwhelming, speak to your Archdeacon'

I sat reading it and boggling. This is very probably the most sane, reasonable, realistic and above all humane statement I have heard since the horror of the epidemic began, not just from the Church (which has issued plenty of stuff that has been none of those things) but from any public authority. Credit where credit was due: I sent a message of congratulation to the Communications Department.

(Of course they were right: by Thursday the guidance had indeed changed).

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