Monday 18 April 2022

Easter Gone

No evening Easter services at Swanvale Halt this year (I've tried doing Evensong in the past but had only a handful of takers all of whom had already been in church in the morning) so my liturgical duties were all over by noon; I still had some work to do, but no more church. We were still not completely back to normal, as our usual post-dawn mass breakfast team had covid in the family, and numbers are not what they were in 2019, but it all went smoothly considering the disruptions of the past two years and the main mass had more communicants than at any service since the pandemic started. There was even a family I'd never seen before and a scattering of children. Polly and her little brother Warren were among them. They gave me this portrait and a pair of eggs - one fresh from the family chickens, one chocolate - in these charming egg-cozies. My eggs in future will never be cold, and I will never want for an image of myself to use on official documents. I am so very, very fortunate that the people give so much (not just the eggs, to God's work as well) and love so freely.

Meanwhile Marion our former curate is confined to her house with covid and missing out on Holy Week and Easter in her new church at Tipley in Devon. She and her husband joined with the online worship at where else but Fr Thesis's renowned church in the west end. His internet ministry burgeons!

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