Tuesday 26 January 2016

The Temple

It's taken a year, and more, to get to this point, but the Temple of Reason (or as my sister facetiously referred to it, the Gazebo of Reason) is basically complete, bar trying to find paint that will take on the wooden roof and not run in the rain. When I started the process I was going to do a whole set of posts showing the gradual development of the building but the whole thing was so traumatic I couldn't bear to as almost everything I tried went awry. I wanted to make the pillars hollow so bought two lengths of plastic tubing of different sizes, sliced one down its length and tried to cast the first pillar. When it was dry it became clear there was no way of getting the inner tube out again so it had to be left as it was. The outer tube then warped before I got around to doing pillar no.2, and so all of them are a bit wonky; and it all went on in that manner. In fact, if you were to look closely, you'd realise how shoddy the whole structure is, but it doesn't matter as it looks the part from a distance and isn't going to fall down immediately. And human reason, as opposed to the divine, is of course flawed. That's what I say, anyway.


  1. Nimble footwork here around the awryness of your self-made structure; but it is self-made, which counts for much. Good luck in the winds. These ferocious gales have demolished the tree on which I was building a tree-house, allegedly for grand-children - but then my skills are at least as provisional as you say yours are. Bravo for the Temple of (Human) Reason.

  2. Go to your local Brewers Paint Merchant and talk to them. Zinsser will have something suitable, for sure.
