Monday 18 January 2016

Not Quite

It was Glenda's funeral on Friday - one of three longstanding members of the congregation who have died over as many weeks. As I was waiting for the undertakers to unload her coffin from the hearse outside the church there was an elderly lady and a small boy, aged about 3 or 4, standing nearby, and I heard what she was telling him as I came closer.

"This man is called a vicar. He's going to read some words, and they're going to take this person who has died into the church. He'll tell all the people how good they have been, and how they're going to go to heaven, because everyone goes to heaven, no matter what they believe or what religion they are."

And I think that was probably all I caught. It wasn't the right occasion to get into a discussion, but then it never does seem to be, does it?

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