Sunday 13 February 2022

About the Parish

Every month or thereabouts I go out round the parish knocking on people's doors - not randomly, but the doors of houses which have recently changed hands. My life has been made immeasurably better since Dr Abacus suggested I take all the details from Rightmove, rather than trying to spot estate agents' boards going up and down in the village streets.

The property traffic has been quiet lately, but yesterday I had no fewer than twelve stops to make as well as a couple of general pastoral visits to do at the same time. Those were to a recently bereaved gentleman, who wasn't in, and a lately married couple whose banns we read, and they weren't around either. That sped things up a bit. Just as well, since the chill wind and a recent back strain had decided me to walk my route rather than cycle as I normally would. As a result it took ages even if only about half the new residents of Swanvale Halt were in for me to bother them. In fact I very rarely get anything other than a friendly reception once people are past the slight bemusement of having a clergyman knock on their door who wants nothing but to say hello and give them a leaflet.

When I ask whether people have moved in from elsewhere in the area or further afield, a story I often get told is that of young couples moving out from London for more room (often because they're starting a family) or better quality of life. But yesterday there were several young people who were engaging in what you might call 'family consolidation' - deliberately moving closer to parents and siblings so that they could all keep an eye on each other and see each other more often. That may be a result of the pandemic encouraging a bit of reassessment, but we will see whether it becomes a more noticeable trend.

I always ask how newcomers are finding things so far. One young man who'd moved with his partner from South London told me it was 'paradise in comparison', which even as a partisan of my parish seemed a bit over the top. I do hope they carry on feeling that way.

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