Thursday 31 January 2019

Interfaith Diet Log

Our curate Marion is on the chaplaincy team at a nearby prison. The festivals of a variety of religious traditions are celebrated there, and the custom is that every now and again the prison kitchen prepares a particular foodstuff related to that festival. Just before Christmas it was the pagans' turn, so for Yule they made a huge chocolate Yule log decorated with sugar-paste mushrooms (because that's what the Druids would have had). Marion and the Baptist chaplain sat in the chapel and a grand total of 0 pagans turned up. After a while the silence became palpable.

Baptist minister:  It would be wrong to waste this, wouldn't it?

And so they cut the Yule log up and had a bit each.

Marion:  I don't suppose this counts as 'food sacrificed to idols' which St Paul says Christians aren't supposed to eat, does it?


Baptist minister: Nooo, it can't do. 

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