Saturday 28 January 2017

An Interlude of Uplift

In the midst of a crazy world, blogs can default to a catalogue of complaints and gripes, and I don't want to give you the impression I am anything other than happy here in the fair parish of Swanvale Halt. I am remarkably blessed in every way you can imagine, thanks to no virtue of my own, and every day begins and ends with gratitude. It's been a long while since any very black moods have swept across me, and I turn my eyes to the hills that lie around the village, and remember from where my help comes. Sometimes happiness, I find, can even edge towards joy.

My New Zealand reader Fr Wellington offers prayers for me with great kindness and grace:

May the church bureaucrats be kind to you.
May the parishioners not desert you
Let the tithes and offerings not tempt to build bigger barns
May the media reports be gracious
May meetings be not too disputatious
Let the SD be perspicacious in his advice to you
And may the Bishop grant you her approbation in all things and leave you in peace.

Not much chance of bigger barns being constructed, I must say, but it gives us something to aim at. God bless you, one and all.

(This won't last, of course).  

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