I went round to visit a couple who would like their (3rd) child baptised at the church, nice, enthusiastic pair. They started talking about childraising and religious issues.
Mother: 'I told Benjamin that not everyone thinks like us. Some people think human beings came from monkeys. And he said, "But that's silly, mummy. If human beings come from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?" How cool is that? Even a five-year-old can see through the Theory of Evolution!'
They were so happy I didn't feel it was appropriate to have the conversation then. But how blinkered must their religious background be to allow them to assume blithely that I'm a creationist? It is, after all, a pretty marginal opinion in this country, even among Christians. It was remarkably disorientating!
Ah indeed. I often marvel at how a grown adults understanding of the world hasn't advanced from a 5 year olds. There is something decidedly quaint about such profound misunderstandings and blinding acceptance.